WANTED: Bottle Hangers, Carton Stuffers (came in Bottle cartons) for Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Teem and Everess. Looking for Teem items, anything will do—signs, paper, etc.. If you have any of these items and wish to part with them – please contact Tom Gabriel (724)730-8026.
WANTED: Pepsi Fest pinback buttons/badges from 1988 and 1989. Please contact Jim Petersen at
WANTED: Pepsi Free 32 oz. & 10 oz. returnable bottles. Sugar Free Pepsi Free One Liter & 32 oz. bottles. Also Patio 16 oz. returnable bottle. John Kennedy
WANTED: Rochester, NY Pepsi items. Contact Lee Manchester at
WANTED: Pepsi and Frito Lay Safe Driver Award Pins, any year. Please contact Pat Richardson at
931-526-1923 or email
WANTED: Early US Pepsi Crowns - blues, oranges, greens, and unusual limited editions such as dated Passover crowns. Paying top dollar or can trade to add to your collection. Contact Steven Dick -
WANTED: Slice Pink Lemonade cans - Contact Phil Dillman,
FOR SALE: 2 identical bowling pins donated from Tim-Tom's collection by his wife Tine. The proceeds will be added to our charitable donations in his memory. Asking $125 each, contact June at if interested or want to make an offer. Help us honor Tim with your purchase!
FOR SALE OR TRADE: Interested in Swapping. Snapple Iced tea bottle cap collection. Each cap has a face printed underneath. Also each cap is numbered. The sequence goes to 1500 different caps. I collect many things. Contact me for list and to discuss possible trades. Also, other misc. caps mixed in – Contact Ron Williamson Jr. (802-878-4030) Cornerstone Commons, 10 Kellogg Rd. Unit 119, Essex Junction, VT 05452
Painting by Randy Schwentker
The deadline for ads is the 10th of the month preceding the newsletter issue in which the ad is to appear, with the newsletter being publishes in January, April, July, and October. All ads are subject to the discretion of the Newsletter Editor and available space.
Photo-style ads may be submitted as follows: 1/8 page - $25.00; 1/4 page - $45.00; 1/2 page - $75.00; full page - $150.00. Cheaper rates are available for four issues (one year). You may send your ad information and related images/art-work to: The Pepsi-Cola Collectors Club, 335 Mathews Way, New Castle, PA 16101, along with a check made payable to the Pepsi-Cola Collectors Club for the amount of the ad you are purchasing.
Text ads up to 50 words in the PCCC Express Newsletter are free to members. You may include one (1) photo. Those ads will run once unless renewed. Please note whether your ad is For Sale, Wanted, or Trade. The items will also be listed on this website page.
The Pepsi-Cola Collectors Club assumes no responsibility for the buying, selling, and trading of items advertised herein. The Board of Directors would like to hear from anyone who experiences problems with an advertiser and his/her goods.